A week ago, Rishi Kapoor, a famous Indian actor, died. This sparked nostalgia for Bollywood music so I started playing some tunes on Spotify.
Music has the ability to spark memories, and for me, it was coming home after parties during my childhood. I’d sleep on the speaker part at the back of the car while my brother laid down on the backseat. This was before seatbelt laws were in effect. I’m really dating myself.
And my Mom would play cassette tapes of Bollywood music – her favorite singer being Lata Mangeshkar. This memory raises feelings of safety, comfort, and love.
As I’ve been listening to Bollywood music this week, I’ve been transported to more happy memories during summer trips to India – playing cards with my cousins, flying a kite on Surathkal Beach, and eating yummy hot food with no overhead fan (upon my grandfather’s insistence as he didn’t want his food to get cold).
As these memories have been surfacing, I’ve been sitting with them, remembering details, taking deep breaths, and allowing the warm feelings to wash over me.
“Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.” – Aretha Franklin
That’s the power of music. It can lift your mood and even motivate you to dance!
We’re fairly simply beings – in that we’re usually going for a feeling. Every experience we plan for is in order to have a feeling. Every goal we set is to have a certain feeling.
I want more money. → I want to feel secure, comfortable, and safe.
I want to travel. → I want to feel excited, joy, and adventure.
I want a dog. → I want to feel companionship, love, and fun.
As we’re continuing to lead a not-so-normal existence, I invite you to crank up your favorite tunes that light you up and dance like no one’s watching. And feel all the feels!
I hope this serves you. Until next time, as always, be gentle & kind to yourself.